Hands Offering Hope
Hands Offering Hope (HOH) was born out of a fierce belief that all young people are full of potential and deserve the opportunity to thrive. As the organization grew its goals, it wanted to better connect with its community and financial partners. HOH needed to rebrand its identity and develop a new website.
My Contribution
- Brand Development
- Brand Identity
- Website
- Campaign Creation
- Digital & Print Design

My creative direction focused on visual simplicity and professionalism. After many rounds of collaborative conversations and iterations, we landed on a refined version of the original logo. The new color palette consisted of complementary colors and subtle gradients. All of the elements worked together to elevate the brand and take it to a more reputable level.
Hands Offering Hope’s new brand helped propel it to new heights. By utilizing the new look, Hands Offering Hope was able to increase awareness, grow the number and financial amount of donations, and position the brand for continued growth and expansion.
Since the rebrand, HOH has established a permanent location in Kantunilkín, Mexico, which they call Casa Hope. Out of that location, they also launched a new Culinary & Hospitality Institute.
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